Meal Plan 14 October 2019

I’m currently sitting on my bed with freshly curled locks (because I have a girls night out tonight), watching Jane the Virgin on Netflix (because it’s awesome), and reading recipe books (because I love them). I finished my last uni exam for the teaching period yesterday, the kids are currently at Mum’s, Mitch is out the back playing on his boat and I am enjoying some alone time!

I’ve been wanting to cook my way through the Meat Free Monday Cookbook for at least half a decade and I think now is the time. Because study will start up again soon, and I have three kids, a job and a bunch of other things going on in my life, committing to cooking ALL the recipes in a book is a little bit too much… so I’m committing to a minimum one recipe per week.

Because I want to stay in line with the weeks as listed in the book I’m starting with SPRING Week 6 (page 35). The spaghetti omelette sounds gross, the super veg salad doesn’t sound like something Mitch will eat and I’m not in the mood for almond cake so I’ve decided to make the Alcohol-free Pina Colada, and the Spicy Tomato Bean Salad.




Snacks and Desserts

Meal plan 10 February 2019

I don’t want to be a negative nelly but my wisdom teeth hurt, my tummy is cramping, my eyes and stinging and I’m feeling too crud to come up with something interesting to write for the introduction to this post.






  • Aunty Helen’s caramel slice – My Aunty Helen ðŸ™‚
  • Milo mousse – Twins and a Blog

Meal plan 30 October 2018

After finishing work at 6:45pm I came home to find chicken tender wraps cooked and ready to serve, courtesy of my beautiful husband. Alas, this is a very rare occasion and 99% of the time the meal planning, prepping and cooking is all up to yours truly.

In order to get that show on the road, here is this week’s meal plan:




  • Almond butter fudge – Healthy Mummy
  • Fruit (You can probably work this one out on your own!)



Meal plan 8 October 2018

I finished my uni exams yesterday woo hoo! On top of that, all three kids were in bed, dead to the world, by 8pm and Mitch is studying (sucker! haha). So tonight I’m sitting on my butt on the couch under the pink fluffy blanket, watching Outlander on Netflix and blogging because I promised myself I’d keep up with it.

Without further adieu, here is this week’s meal plan (a few days late…):






  • Milo mousse – Twins and a Blog (delicious but sickly, start with a smaller serve, trust me!)

Meal plan 1 October 2018 (Goal kicking – Part 1)

OK, so in an attempt to actually keep up with blogging (as per my “I need a life shake up” goal) I’ve decided to just get in and do it.

I keep using the excuse that I have nothing to blog about, and that I don’t have time to take/edit pictures or make it pretty. To avoid that I thought the best way to start is to just blog about anything I want, not include pictures (unless I have them on hand), and not make it pretty. My plan from here is to:

  1. Get into the habit of regular blogging
  2. Start to add pictures
  3. Make my website “pretty” and more functional
  4. Add content that I think others will want, rather than just whatever is floating around in my head. <— but then again this might make it less fun so I might skip that goal.

Anyway, here is what’s in my head today, my meal plan for this week. I’ve tried to include most of the recipes, however, in an effort to “just get it done” I’ve left out the recipes for lamb roast and homemade pizza bases which I will update in the next week or so.




